We work with micro-climate monitoring technologies and remote control of equipment. Do you want your farm digitized and obtain a real gain in your productivity?
It will be a pleasure to serve you, the rural producer, and leave all costs and earnings transparently!

Home Automation
We bring you several technologies for home automation and security.
We can prioritize the cost for your first experience, after all we work transparently.
We also bring the necessary resilience to you who already have your home automated and have instability issues. Consult us for more details.

Information Technology
We were born through people with high technological competence, with over 10 years working in IT.
Now it’s time to expand and help start-ups in their development.
You will have free time to dedicate to your business, we take care of technology with and for you !

We design telemetry and M2M communication systems.
We provide connectivity solutions through service providers or by creating your own telecommunications infrastructure, whether urban or rural.

Industry and Utilities
We bring the knowledge you need to catch up with Industry 4.0 trends.
Providing equipment monitoring and data analysis, generating indicators (KPI) for your business.
We estimate productivity, cost reduction and operational downtime. Ask us how.